Good Distribution Practice (GDP) for Medical Devices in Singapore

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Good Distribution Practice (GDP) for Medical Devices in Singapore

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is Singapore's Regulatory agency in the sphere of healthcare products. Importers and wholesalers dealing with medical devices in Singapore should develop a medical device Quality Management System (QMS) that conforms to the requirements of the Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices (GDPMDS). SS 620: 2016 is the Singapore Standard for Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices (SS620 GDPMDS).

Strategies for Navigating the Compliance Maze of Digital Health Startups

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Strategies for Navigating the Compliance Maze of Digital Health Startups

As digital health startups continue to disrupt traditional healthcare practices, businesses must be compliant with regulations to ensure sustainable success. However, achieving Regulatory compliance can be a complex and arduous task. Thus, startups must adopt suitable strategies that will help them navigate the ever-changing Regulatory landscape. This blog outlines ten (10) strategies that digital health startups can follow to ensure compliance, and in turn, successful continuation of operations. Let us now explore the strategies in further detail:

Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) for Medical Devices in Indonesia

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Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) for Medical Devices in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the Good Method for the Distribution of Medical Devices, locally known as the Cara Distribusi Alat Kesahatan yang Baik (CDAKB), is a set of guidelines used in a series of distribution and quality control activities aimed at ensuring that the distributed medical device products meet the requirements for their intended use.