Role of Usability/Human Factor Engineering In the Management of Use-Related Risk

Because of the rising instances of UI-induced adverse events, the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has begun to include HF/UE reviews as a routine part of their pre-market approval process at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health’s (CDRH) Office of Device Evaluation.

Likewise, the international Regulatory community has incorporated IEC 62366-1:2015 Medical devices Part 1 - Application of usability engineering to medical devices as a part of the approval process outside the US. Both the FDA HF/UE guidance and IEC 62366 outline a process including activities throughout device development culminating in validation testing with the final UI design in simulated use environments.

This paper summarizes the major regulatory requirements for HF/UE under USFDA and the international standard IEC 62366 that the manufacturers must comply.


Role of Usability/Human Factor Engineering In the Management of Use-Related Risk